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Frequently Asked Questions

Drugs FAQ's
» About Alcohol …
» About Amphetamines …
» About Benzodiazepines …
» About Caffeine …
» About Cannabis …
» About Cocaine …
» About Ecstasy …
» About Heroin …
» About Inhalants …
» About LSD …
» About Magic Mushrooms …
» About Methadone …
» About Solvents …
» About Steroids …
» About Tobacco …
» Definition of a Drug …
» Definition of Drug Misuse …
» Designer Drugs …
» Drug use and Pregnancy …
» Drug-Related Problems …
» Drugs and Sport …
» Drugs and the Law / Misuse of Drugs Acts …
» Glossary of Slang Terms …
» How drugs are used …
» Individual reactions to drugs …
» Individual reactions to drugs …
» Interactions with other drugs …
» Other Drugs Associated with the Dance or Clubbing Scene …
» Polydrug Use / Taking Multiple Drugs …
» Substance Abuse …
» Substance Dependence …
» Types of Drugs …
» Where do drugs come from? …
» Why Do People Use Drugs? …

Pregnancy & Drugs
» How diet can help the baby during pregnancy …
» I’m doing research or I just want to read more on this subject ‘pregnancy and heroin use.’ …
» I’m not on a clinic, what if I just stop taking heroin during my pregnancy? …
» I’m pregnant and have an opiate addiction, what should I do? …
» I’m pregnant should I keep taking methadone? …
» Is it safe to breastfeed my baby? …
» Medical Guidelines for Pregnant, Substance-Using Women …
» Pregnancy and Cocaine Withdrawal …
» Pregnancy and Mental Health Considerations …
» Pregnancy and Sedative-Hypnotic Medical Withdrawal …
» Should I increase or decrease my methadone during pregnancy? …
» What care standards/process does a pregnant, substance-using woman require? …
» What is Opioid Stabilisation? …
» What kind of effects can drug substances have on the Fetus? …
» What should I do when my baby is born? …
» Will my baby have withdrawal symptoms when born? …

If your interested topic is not listed here, or if you have additional feedback, please email nationaldrugtreatmentcentre@healthmail.ie.

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