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Clinical Psychology

The DTCB Psychology Department has the following key performance areas:

  • The provision of supportive, collaborative and evidence based psychological interventions, guided by the client’s biological, social or psychological needs and any co- occurring difficulties. Such interventions would typically be closely allied to the Motivational Interviewing, Brief Interventions, Cognitive Behavioural Coping Skills, Relapse Prevention and the Community Reinforcement Approach traditions. There is an appreciation for the common factors or active ingredients [1] of effective addiction treatments.
  • Engaging in peer reviewed research as well as contributing to operational and clinical best practice guidelines and the DTCB Ethics Committee deliberations.
  • The department contributes to psychology and addiction- related training programmes at local universities. Postgraduate clinical students from a number of Irish Universities have enjoyed completing elective placements within the department or availed of the services of the department psychologist as their nominated Clinical Adviser in the completion of postgraduate research or as a supervisor for clinical studies. Presentations to a diverse range of groups (Psychiatry Registrars, Addiction Studies students, Social Work and Social Care students, An Garda Siochana personnel, Irish Prisons Services, Local Drugs Task Force members, the Family Support Network, local and international professional visitor groups as well as school children have also been made).
  • The department maintains close collegial relationships with a number of external organisations including universities and other HSE departments and has a commitment to continuing professional development.

For further information please Contact The HSE National Drug Treatment Centre

Tel: +353(1)6488600
E-mail: nationaldrugtreatmentcentre@healthmail.ie

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